Thursday, September 26, 2019

Steps for incorporating a business in Toronto Essay

Steps for incorporating a business in Toronto - Essay Example The Toronto market is diverse and with many competitors. The following entails probable steps for successful business incorporation in Toronto. †¢ Selection of business jurisdiction The process involves defining the area of operation that includes the territorial or provincial authorities. Nonetheless, home province of the incorporator determines the choice of either a territorial or federal jurisdiction. †¢ Corporate name selection The regulations require the investors to propose names that comprise descriptive and distinctive features. The elements highlight the activities and the entity respectively. †¢ Business name availability analysis The step entails searching the availability of the proposed name and subsequent submission to the government agency for approval. It helps ensure the distinctiveness of the proposed business. †¢ Filling and Completing the Articles of Incorporation The law stipulates that the investor should sign the articles of incorporation i n duplicate. He or she should not be bankrupt and must have attained 18 years and above.

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