Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assignment 2 - Differentiating age changes from pathological changes

2 - Differentiating age changes from pathological changes - Assignment Example It also causes profuse sweating, increased breathing and pulse rate (Nadel, 2008). A bluish colour may appear in the lips and nails due to the reduce oxygen in the blood. This causes confused and delirious mental state to the patient. Coughs- this because of reduced output of the respiratory system causing abnormal respiratory responses. This is because chest bones become thinner which causes a shape change of the ribcage. Thus the ribcage expands less during breathing. This can also be attributed to changes in the immune system thus the lungs recover less from exposure to harmful particles (Cook, Zumla, A & Manson, 2009). Chills- metabolism becomes slower as one ages therefore heat generation by the body is low thus muscles have to provide alternative means to generate heat. This reduction in metabolism is due to the thyroid becoming lumpy thus affecting the production of hormones that are responsible for metabolism. Shortness of breath and tiredness- as one grows older; muscles that support the diaphragm are weakened. This causes the airways to lose their ability of keeping the airways open. Causing them to close easily. This can be attributed to loss of shape and bagginess of the alveoli. All these changes in lung tissue causes air to get trapped in the lungs thus not enough oxygen reaches the capillaries. Removal of carbon IV oxide is reduced making breathing hard. Headache – headaches maybe more frequent as one ages because of a number of reasons. One is that due to reduction in blood pressure that can prevent enough blood reaching the brain thus causing dehydration of brain cells causing minor headaches and light headiness. Drop in blood pressure can occur also due to the reduction in aldosterone hormone which in turn can indirectly or directly cause headaches. Fatigue – can be caused by the various factors. One key factor is the reduction of central nervous system functionality. This can also be attributed to reduced metabolism and

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