Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My Personal Philosophy of Education :: Education Teachers Reflective Writing Essays

Philosophy of Education A classroom is a community for learning, friendship, and growth. The most important aspect of any community, educational or otherwise, is communication. When communicating with my students, I will not talk down to them; instead, I will treat them like the equal human beings that they are. Respect will be given to and earned from all students. I will be honest, humorous, and easy natured, but I will not be afraid to discipline or assert my authority as the situation may dictate. Students will feel comfortable providing feedback on my lessons and classroom policies; they will know that although I may not use all of their suggestions, I have given them due consideration. I will attempt to know each of the students on an individual basis, knowing more than just their names and performances in class. Even if I am led outside math, I will try to inspire each student to achieve his or her best and to follow his or her dreams. I realize that not everyone loves math as I do, and I will not hold that against my students as long as they put forth their best effort. Students will feel welcome and safe in the classroom. They will not be afraid of giving a wrong answer and will take risks to answer questions and participate in class. I will encourage my students to visit me outside of class for anything, whether it is to get class-related help, to ask advice on courses or careers, or to vent about a really bad day. In my classroom, I will teach mathematics at a level in which the students will be able to comprehend the material, but will also be challenged by it. Math should not frustrate, nor bore, nor monotonously repeat mundane problems. To remedy these common problems, I will share my love and enthusiasm of the discipline by creatively introducing new topics and explaining solutions to problems using more than one method, if available. Students will be able to explore multiple solutions and find the method of solution with which they feel most comfortable rather than having to conform to my preferred methods. The array of labs or trips that will be employed to explore mathematics will make class an exciting atmosphere. My Personal Philosophy of Education :: Education Teachers Reflective Writing Essays Philosophy of Education A classroom is a community for learning, friendship, and growth. The most important aspect of any community, educational or otherwise, is communication. When communicating with my students, I will not talk down to them; instead, I will treat them like the equal human beings that they are. Respect will be given to and earned from all students. I will be honest, humorous, and easy natured, but I will not be afraid to discipline or assert my authority as the situation may dictate. Students will feel comfortable providing feedback on my lessons and classroom policies; they will know that although I may not use all of their suggestions, I have given them due consideration. I will attempt to know each of the students on an individual basis, knowing more than just their names and performances in class. Even if I am led outside math, I will try to inspire each student to achieve his or her best and to follow his or her dreams. I realize that not everyone loves math as I do, and I will not hold that against my students as long as they put forth their best effort. Students will feel welcome and safe in the classroom. They will not be afraid of giving a wrong answer and will take risks to answer questions and participate in class. I will encourage my students to visit me outside of class for anything, whether it is to get class-related help, to ask advice on courses or careers, or to vent about a really bad day. In my classroom, I will teach mathematics at a level in which the students will be able to comprehend the material, but will also be challenged by it. Math should not frustrate, nor bore, nor monotonously repeat mundane problems. To remedy these common problems, I will share my love and enthusiasm of the discipline by creatively introducing new topics and explaining solutions to problems using more than one method, if available. Students will be able to explore multiple solutions and find the method of solution with which they feel most comfortable rather than having to conform to my preferred methods. The array of labs or trips that will be employed to explore mathematics will make class an exciting atmosphere.

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