Friday, November 1, 2019

Introduction to National Response Framework Essay

Introduction to National Response Framework - Essay Example The fire dispatch and police centers were rendered inaccessible by floods in affected areas like New Orleans. In the event of a disaster, incident command structures provide the chance for local agencies’ officials to control response operations, learn about the magnitude of the problem, manage assets, and also to prompt assistance from State administration. In the absence of any incident command structure, it becomes impossible for local emergency response leaders to effectively direct their efforts or issue any command on local operations. All communication apparatus, including safety radio calls and 911 worked properly prompting people to communicate via written papers placed on bottles and dropping them from aircrafts. The officials of local emergency response agencies could not locate any command structures operating normally under the tumult. There was complete communication infrastructure breakdown, which completely jeopardized the efforts of local emergency response agencies. The roads were all out of place, which made it more difficult to ensure effect response to the disast er. The need for Federal Government to enhance its ability to swiftly and effectively collect environmental information and supply local agencies with adequate data remains imperative for effective disaster

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